It honestly shouldn't really matter which. gta-sa.exe is named like the normal Steam shortcut (so you can launch the game from the Steam library and the game will launch from here with no issues) whilst gta_sa.exe is the name of the shortcut the non-Steam version of GTA SA always had (and is there in case you need it or for mods that require a gta_sa.exe file be present). NOTE: after downgrading you will have TWO. 3.0 will revert your game to how it was before the NewSteam patches (this means the game will be less moddable and not all of Silent Patch's features will work) while 1.0 allows for the user to auto-install essential mods from within the downgrader program itself and will downgrade your game completely (there's even a button that will allow for you to install these mods without downgrading). Not all of Silent Patch's functions will work unless you downgrade to either version 3.0 or 1.0.