Square wave signal non linear pendulum
Square wave signal non linear pendulum

square wave signal non linear pendulum

At first, it is considered signals generated by numerical integration of the mathematical model. As an application to a mechanical system, a nonlinear pendulum is considered and, based on parameters obtained from an experimental setup, analyses are carried out. This contribution employs the close-return method to identify UPOs and a semi-continuous control method, which is built up on the OGY method, to stabilize some desirable UPO. After that, a control technique is employed in order to stabilize a desirable orbit. In the first, unstable periodic orbits (UPOs) that are embedded in the chaotic set are identified. Chaos control usually involves two steps. Chaotic behavior of dynamical systems offers a rich variety of orbits, which can be controlled by small perturbations in either a specific parameter of the system or a dynamical variable.

Square wave signal non linear pendulum